
My husband has just had a dream,suddenly shouting out in the dream,

what's up,honey?what's happened,i ask,then he told me his dream:once he went to have hot pot,The boss gave him the recommended set ,and there is a big shrimp, a very big shrimp in set,the set is too much so my husband packed the rest foods ,of course, that big shrimp was in it。on way home the shrimp suddenly attacked!it jumped out from the bag and had getting into my husband's shorts ,very fast!

My husband was very surprised, he kept saying, oh, no!Please don't, u come out from my shorts!what r u doing!

the shrimp didn't answer,began to punching my husband's balls rapidly,very fast!very hard,like it is Lars Ulrich,my husband say:do not hit,!what are you doing? syop!stop hitting my balls!

the shrimp didnt anwser,and keep hitting my husband's balls rapidly and silently,then the taxi driver turned his head back and asked:what happened! whats wrong bro?

there's something in my underwear and hit my balls!my husband shouted.

a big shrimp just hitting my balls! heip

what?r u crazy man?the taxi driver said,whats wrong with u,r u used?

no!i am not crazy!my husband cried,i am a famous singer,my name is 许魏洲!i am going to have a show tonight,please help!take this fooking shrimp from my balls!

许魏洲?i've heard u,my wife is your fan!really u?the taxi driver said

oh yes,for the jesus christ!its me!i am 许魏洲!please help

ok!the taxi driver said,he pulled over and took out a thing from the trunk then open the door:use this!the taxi driver said to my husband

What is that?my husband asked

it is a durian!i can hit the shrimp with the durian,the shell of durian is very hard,and has lot of spears,the shrimp cant take it indeed,i am sure of it!the taxi driver said.

what ?a durian?r u used?r u used tooooo

much man!it's my balls!my softy softy balls!u told me to use a durian hit my softy ballls?r u crazy?who r u?wjat's wrong with you

calm down,!Mr. Xu, the taxi driver said.I didnt want to hit your balls with the durian,i mean,i'm going to hit the shrimp with the durian,the shell of shrimp is very hard,and the shell of durian is very hard too,hard againsts hard!it must works,said the taxi driver.

nonono!it's my balls,my softy softly balls,u can't use durian to hit them,said my husband

ok ,then do you have any better idea to get rid of the shrimp on your balls,sir?said taxi driver,we must in hurry,ur balls are very softy,they cann't take it anymore,hey!stop!stop hit Mr.Xu's balls,the taxi driver shouting to the boxing shrimp

but no answer!

the shrimp didn't answer,and keeping boxing my husband's balls,pongpongpong!rapidly,fast,and hard

ok!ok!my husband cried,use durian,use the durian please,get the god dawn fooking shrimp off my balls rigjt now!use durian!

ok sir!the taxi driver began to hiting my husband's balls with the durian he took out from trunk,he hitted very hard,rapidly,and fast,but the shrimp did not stop hitting my husband's balls ,and didnot say anything

it doesnt works,sir,said the taxi driver,the durian doesnt works,the shrimp was very tough,a tough guy,a tough shrimp,wooh~

so what should i do?my balls!cried my husband,help me

i have a cunning plan!said the taxi driver,u took off ur sunglasses and staring at the shrimp,use your eyelid power!u have very famouse eyelids and everybody knows they are very powerful,now its the time to use it,u use your eyelid power to save your balls!

u took off the sunglasses,took off your underwear,staring at the shrimp like you never stared before!said the taxi driver

desperately,my poor helpless husband has to do as the taxi driver told to save his balls,took of his favorite sunglasses,half naked,staring at the big shrimp which boxing his sofy balls,like a new father look at his just borned son

one minutes passed and nothing happened,the shrimp didnt stop

what happened!my husband said,no effort

didnt worked?the taxi driver wistfully,then became serious,

so here is a very serious question,said the taxi driver,who the hell are you on earth?your eyelids didnot worked,u dont have eyelid power at all,you are not 许魏洲!

who the hell are you at all!the taxi driver seated besides my husband,put his left hand on my husband's shoulder, staring at the rearview mirror and gave out his question

the shrimp keeping hit my husband's ball,it's very painful so my husband woke up,and told the strange dream to me

what a strange dream!my husband said,what a strange shrimp,why it hitted my balls,what a strange taxi driver,who is 许魏洲,is he a singer?why me is him in the dream

what a strange dream it is!my husband said emotionally

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